Planning for the BHS PTA 2015 After Prom
Businesses, individuals, and organizations: please help sponsor BHS PTA After Prom on Sat. May 16, 2015, from MIDNIGHT to 5am. Bedford High School will be transformed for a fun night of excitement with a money machine, mechanical bull, photo booth, dancing, comedy, karaoke, prizes, & amp; much more. At least 20 volunteers are needed for After Prom please e-mail or call Mrs. Sampson, at 216-849-3641. A BIG thank you to the following who are supporting this memorable activity for the c/o 2015 seniors so far through cash and/or in-kind donations: School Board Member Merry Anne Hilty, Glendale Primary Principal Nora Beach, BHS Principal Sam Vawters, Torq Corporation in Bedford, Whirly Ball in Bedford Heights, BCSD Curriculum Director Felice Willis, Calhoun Funeral Home in Bedford Heights, American Spring Wire Corporation in Bedford Heights, and Liberty News and Views! BHS PTA is a 501 (c)(3) organization -- Post Office Box 46823 / Bedford, Ohio 44146-0823. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent of the law.